eco.t - Political Ecology, Planning and Territory

The Research Group eco.t – Political Ecology, Planning, and Territory – aims to develop research and extension in the field of political ecology that analyzes the socio-environmental issues from a critical perspective on development, focusing on power relations and the production of inequalities. Its innovation lies in strengthening and expanding such reflection to the field of territorial planning, with the goal of understanding the processes leading to territorial injustices and proposing ways for their transformation. The group’s activities focus on producing critical research, publishing scientific papers, as well as popular mobilization, in addition to offering training courses and deepening the understanding of socio-environmental themes within the territorial context.



       Veridiana Emilia Godoy

Urban water insecurity is produced by social and power relations, such as gender relations. Therefore, the research aims to understand how gender relations shape the dynamics of water insecurity in informal housing contexts in the municipality of São Paulo. From a feminist political ecology perspective, it explores the relationship between the public and the private and gender roles in the practices of ensuring access to water.

Leonardo Varallo, Marcelo Aversa, Rayssa Saidel Cortez, Vanessa Lucena Empinotti

In a context heavily marked by global climate change, uncertainties, and strong trends in hydrological regime changes, it is necessary to advance knowledge and innovation in water management practices and environmental governance, with an emphasis on water vulnerability in the face of climate variability, from an integrated, decentralized, and interdependent perspective. The objective of this project is to analyze, in an interdisciplinary manner, the set of processes that should constitute an agenda of action and integration of the different interfaces of environmental governance associated with water and its various uses in the São Paulo Macrometropolis.



CORTEZ, R. S. ; EMPINOTTI, VANESSA L. . Segurança Hídrica em Paranapiacaba e o acesso à água para além da infraestrutura. In: Ruth Ferreira Ramos, Samia Nascimento Sulaiman, Silvia Helena Passarelli, Pedro Roberto Jacobi. (Org.). Paranapiacaba: Conflitos, Saberes e Perspectivas de Desenvolvimento na Macrometrópole Paulista. 1ed.Santo André: Editora UFABC, 2021, v. 1, p. 1-121.

EMPINOTTI, VANESSA L.; Natalia Dias Tadeu ; FRAGKOU, M. C. ; SINISGALLI, P. A. A. . Desafios de governança da água: conceito de territórios hidrossociais e arranjos institucionais. ESTUDOS AVANÇADOS (ONLINE), v. 35, p. 177-192, 2021.

EMPINOTTI, VANESSA; Giatti, L.L ; Sinisgalli, P ; Bermann, C . O Nexo Água?Energia?Alimento e os desafios da governança ambiental da Macrometrópole Paulista.. In: TORRES, P. H. C.; JACOBI, P. R.; BARBI, F.; GONÇALVES L.. (Org.). Governança e Planejamento Ambiental: adaptação e políticas públicas na Macrometrópole Paulista.. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: Letra Capital, 2019, v. 1, p. 171-177.

Favareto, A ; EMPINOTTI, VANESSA . Agricultura, ruralidades e adaptação às mudanças climáticas na macrometrópole paulista. In: TORRES, P. H. C.; JACOBI, P. R.; BARBI, F.; GONÇALVES L.. (Org.). Governança e Planejamento Ambiental: adaptação e políticas públicas na Macrometrópole Paulista.. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: Letra Capital, 2019, v. 1, p. 192-207.

JEPSON, WENDY ; WUTICH, AMBER ; EMPINOTTI, VANESSA LUCENA ; JACOBI, PEDRO ROBERTO . Water insecurity and the state: failure, disconnection and autonomy. WATER INTERNATIONAL, v. 46, p. 779-782, 2021.

Hugo Kamiya Tsuitsui

With the aim of analyzing the (re)configurations of territorial dynamics in the Triple Border region (MS-PR-SP), formed by the Paraná and Paranapanema rivers, based on water as the structuring element, this research appropriates the concept of the hydrosocial cycle to develop an analytical system for application in the case study. Its application, focusing on the actions of various social groups, the materiality of water, the implemented infrastructure, and ecosystemic relationships, allowed for the synthesis of a narrative of the main processes of reconfigurations that are closely intertwined in the production of water and territory.


TSUTSUI, H. K.; EMPINOTTI, V. L. . O papel da água na atuação e reflexão do planejamento regional brasileiro: uma perspectiva histórica. REVISTA POLÍTICA E PLANEJAMENTO REGIONAL, v. 8, p. 121-139, 2021.

TSUTSUI, H. K.; EMPINOTTI, V. L. . O papel da água nas dinâmicas territoriais: aplicação do sistema de análise do ciclo hidrossocial na tríplice fronteira (Mato Grosso do Sul-Paraná-São Paulo). In: PLURIS, 2021, Digital. Anais [recurso eletrônico] / do 9. Congresso LusoBrasileiro para o Planejamento Urbano, Regional, Integrado e Sustentável: pequenas cidades, grandes desafios, múltiplas oportunidades, Bauru, 07-09 abr. 2021, 2021.

TSUTSUI, H. K.; MACHIAVELLI, P. L. ; KERBER, L. . O ensino do Urbanismo e o modelo disciplinar: crítica e reflexão para uma nova agenda. REVISTA POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS & CIDADES, v. 7, p. 179-194, 2018.

TSUTSUI, H. K. (2019) O Ciclo Hidrossocial como Ferramenta de Análise: Uma Proposta Metodológica e Aplicação às Dinâmicas Territoriais da Tríplice Fronteira (Mato Grosso do Sul – Paraná – São Paulo). Dissertação (Mestrado) — Universidade Federal do ABC, Planejamento e Gestão do Território, São Bernardo do Campo.


Leticia Costa de Oliveira Santos

This research investigates the role of emotions, bodies and everyday practices in environmental conflicts and political negotiations, using the concept of care to explore the formation of a political and ecological community. The case chosen is the Gera Juncal vegetable garden, located on the east side of São Paulo, a collective and community initiative of the Centro de Promoção Resgate a Cidadania Grajaú – Paulo VI (Ceprocig). It brings along claims of food sovereignty, health and expands the movement’s demand for housing. The care community is a collective in which capacities and needs are managed in constant negotiation and training. A feminist and relational approach is used to observe the relationships that produce territorialities, in other words, how communities of care are constituted through conflicts and negotiations of belonging and legitimacy.

Allan Razera

Based on critical reflections on the historical processes of occupation and deforestation in the Amazon, as well as debates related to the causes of deforestation, the thesis makes an effort to characterize and incorporate aspects of social structure and territorial dynamics. These aspects are examined in the context of broader processes of territory formation and how access to resources, the relationship between rural and urban areas, productive structure, access to markets, and other fundamental dimensions that shape processes and social relations are addressed within them.


RAZERA, A. Dinâmicas Recentes e Causas do Desmatamento da Amazônia: Caminhos para uma Abordagem Territorial. In: IX Encontro Nacional da Associação Nacional de Pós-graduação e Pesquisa em Ambiente e Sociedade – ENANPPAS, 2019, Brasília – DF.

RAZERA, A; FAVARETO, A. Reflexões sobre o Futuro da Amazônia a partir de uma Proposta de Periodização do Desmatamento. In: X Encontro Nacional da Associação Nacional de Pós-graduação e Pesquisa em Ambiente e Sociedade – ENANPPAS, 2021, Campinas – SP.


Marina Rago Moreira

Building on a reading of Territorial Planning, this research aims to analyze how socio-environmental feminisms have articulated the notion of territory in recent decades. This term emerges in various discourses with different political meanings and significance, serving as an instrument of struggle as well. Rural women in Latin America play a significant role in this construction, particularly in the face of escalating territorial conflicts in the 21st century.

Rodrigo José Paixão


PAIXÃO, Rodrigo José. Desafios para a Consolidação de um Comum. 2020. Mestrado em Planejamento e Gestão do Território – Universidade Federal do ABC, São Bernardo do Campo – SP, 2020.

Renata Cristina Ferreira

There is tension in the application of the Brazilian Forest Code in urban rivers because the legislation established at the federal level, when it reaches specific places, adapts and conforms to local realities, interests, and arrangements, not guaranteeing their preservation. This thesis aims to analyze the main conflicts found in Brazilian urban rivers and understand the most relevant interfaces between them and the legislation. To comprehend the territorial determinants, the diversity of Brazilian urban rivers, the various city scales found in the country, and the peculiarities of the places, we prioritize the concept of geographical situation.


FERREIRA, R. C. ; GALLO, F. Política e Gestão Ambiental para a Preservação das Margens dos Rios Urbanos na América Latina: Experiências da Colômbia e do Brasil. In: VIVIAN URQUIDI; MARGARIDA NEPOMUCENO; MAYRA COAN LAGO; JOANA DE FÁTIMA RODRIGUES; RITA DE CÁSSIA MARQUES LIMA DE CASTRO; SABRINA RODRIGUES. (Org.). Estado e lutas sociais na América Latina: sociedade, economia e política. 1ed.São Paulo: PROLAM/USP, 2019, v. 3, p. 1156-1166.

FERREIRA, R. C. ; MAIA, D. C. ; GALLO, F. . O papel das Áreas de Preservação Permanente Urbanas na dinâmica das cidades contemporâneas brasileiras: uma reflexão sobre a perspectiva da ecologia política. In: XIII ENANPEGE – Encontro Nacional da ANPEGE, 2019, São Paulo. Anais do XIII ENANPEGE – Encontro Nacional da ANPEGE, 2019.

FERREIRA, R. C. A Elaboração de Estudos Técnicos Ambientais para a Regularização Fundiária de Interesse Social: Experiências em Área de Preservação Permanente Urbana na RMSP. In: II CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ORGANIZAÇÃO DO ESPAÇO, 2019, Rio Claro