LabJuta – Territorial Justice Laboratory, situated at the Federal University of ABC, was established in 2015 by a collaborative effort among professors, students, researchers, and community leaders. It serves as a research and extension laboratory dedicated to conducting activities on various themes such as popular housing, territorial planning and management, environmental and urban engineering, social movements, human rights, public health, and political ecology. These activities employ research methodologies including action research, participatory research, and other forms of collaborative research, alongside popular education. The aim is to contribute to the co-production of knowledge and solutions through action and reflection on situations and conflicts directly or indirectly affecting marginalized communities.
Since its creation, LabJuta has consolidated itself as a university research and extension laboratory with a strong role in the production and analysis of territories, their connections and insurgencies. It fosters exchanges between scientific and popular knowledge to collectively produce and understand the contemporary social phenomena, and address issues that structure the (re)production of unequal and unjust territories.
To develop its studies, activities and reflections, LabJuta is committed to strengthen solidarity and organizational processes with populations and popular movements made vulnerable by the capitalist process of space production, systematizing knowledge for understanding territorial dynamics. It operates based on the following principles:
– Engaging in knowledge production and action to strengthen territorial perceptions, popular education, and the citizenship of excluded and vulnerable populations.
– Facilitating collective knowledge construction through interaction with various stakeholders, emphasizing listening, recognition, and participatory influence in defending territories.
– Actively immersing in popular territories to expand knowledge, bolster resistance, promote popular education, and exchange knowledge and insurgent practices.
– Grounding knowledge production in grassroots spaces, acknowledging inherent conflicts, determinants, agents, and potentials to enhance living conditions.
– Building knowledge together with actors who discuss and dispute the construction of fairer territories, involving action-research methodology where researchers and participants contribute collectively and democratically to confronting and understanding contemporary exclusionary phenomena;
– Contributing to the recognition and strengthening of identities, ways of life, belonging and daily life that promote territorial justice, the social construction of memory and culture as fundamental rights;
– Establishing ongoing dialogues between academia, social movements, organizations, and institutions through interdisciplinary and intersectoral action to promote and strengthen democracy;
– Committing to university democratization by implementing affirmative policies and practices to include interlocutors from the territories in which LabJuta operate, people affected by policies and infrastructures, young people and leaders of popular movements so that they can be the protagonists of their stories.
Territorial Justice
- The informally produced city and housing: conflicts and alternative solutions
This research line aims to produce knowledge about informally produced cities and territories, elucidating conflicts, complexities, and the multiple determination of problems and injustices. Additionally, it seeks to explore alternatives for enhancing the living conditions of their inhabitants.
- Novel Perspectives on territorial indicators
This research line aims to generate insights about inequalities and inequities inherent to the production, reproduction and appropriation of the territory, including its infrastructures. It also strives to develop associated knowledge, and readings, narratives and indicators conducive to fostering the redistribution of territorial opportunities and positive equity.
- Analysis of territorial dynamics based on socio-environmental relations
This research line aims to understand territorial dynamics by examining the socio-environmental relationships that form territories. It starts with the premise that the environment is the result of relational interactions between humans and non-humans which, in turn, are mediated by economic and political processes. Consequently, our analysis delves into how the environment is constituted in different spaces as a result of the production of territories through the analysis of power flows, inequality and reflexive interactions.
- Theoretical reflections on territorial planning and political ecology
This research line delves into the intersection between Political Ecology and Territorial Planning. By recognizing that Political Ecology is a research agenda that, at its core, reflects on how economic-political processes unevenly shape the environment, it aligns itself with the practice of territorial planning, which is based on relational, inter-sectoral reflection and the recognition of the spatial relationships present in the multi-scalarity and multiple dimensions that make up these spaces.
Allan Razera | Researcher | Ph.D. Student PGT/UFABC
allan.razera@ufabc.edu.br | Lattes
Amanda Ganzarolli | Researcher | Masters Student Metodista
aamandaganzarolli@gmail.com | Lattes
Ana Carolina Soares Ribeiro | Researcher | Undergrad Student BPT/UFABC
Ana Luiza Vieira Gonçalves| Researcher | Masters Student PGT/UFABC, Architect at Coletivo MOLA
vgoncalves.analu@gmail.com | Lattes
Angélica Santamaría Alvarado | Pesquisadora | Doutoranda PGT/UFABC, estagiária de pesquisa Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica
santamaria.alvarado@ufabc.edu.br | Lattes
Beatriz Morais Lima | Researcher | Undergrad Student EAU/UFABC
Benedito Roberto Barbosa | Researcher | Lawyer UMMSP and Centro Gaspar Garcia de Direitos Humanos
ditocmp@gmail.com | Lattes
Bruno Avellar Alves de Lima | Researcher | Postdoctoral Researcher LEPUR/UFABC
bruno.avellar.lima@gmail.com | Lattes
Bruno Dias dos Santos | Collaborator | Masters Student INPE
brdiasdossantos@gmail.com | Lattes
Bruno Ricardo Miragaia Souza | Researcher | Public Defender São Paulo State
bmiragaia@gmail.com | Lattes
Caio Santo Amore | Collaborator | Professor FAUUSP and Peabiru
santoamore@usp.br | Lattes
Carolina Vigliar | Collaborator | Movimento de Mulheres Olga Benário and MLB
Cecilia Maria de Morais Machado Angileli | Collaborator | UNILA
cecilia.angileli@unila.edu.br | Lattes
Cilene Victor| Collaborator | Professor, Graduate program in Social Communication, Universidade Metodista de São Paulo
cilenevictor@gmail.com | Lattes
Cláudia Cruz Soares | Collaborator | Pedagogical Coordinator UNAS
Danilo Lima Zillig | Collaborator | Public Server UFABC
Davi Carlos Passos dos Santos | Collaborator | Masters Student PGT/UFABC
davi.santos@ufabc.edu.br | Lattes
Delana Corazza | Collaborator | Research Coordinator Instituto Tricontinental de Pesquisa Social
delanacorazza@gmail.com | Lattes
Driely de Oliveira Carvalho | Collaborator | Assessora Técnica Peabiru
driely.arq@gmail.com | Lattes
Douglas Pereira de Souza | Researcher | Ph.D. Student Saúde Pública FSP/USP
douglasdc7@usp.br | Lattes
Edson Aparecido da Silva | Collaborator | Observatório Nacional pelos Direitos à Água e ao Saneamento (ONDAS)
edsonsaneamento@gmail.com | Lattes
Elaine Ferreira Rosa | Researcher | Ph.D. Student PGT/UFABC and activist UMM/SP
rosaelaine.social@gmail.com | Lattes
Eliane Alves da Silva | Collaborator | Postdoctoral researcher UFABC
elalves2014@gmail.com | Lattes
Ellen Emerich Carulli | Researcher | Environmental Analyst at Arcadis
emerich.carulli@gmail.com | Lattes
Fernanda Donegá Martins | Researcher | Undergrad Student UFABC
fernanda.dngm@gmail.com | Lattes
Fernanda Kagan Mallak | Collaborator | UFSCar
fernandakmallak@gmail.com | Lattes
Fernando Botton | Researcher | Architect at FIO Assessoria Técnica Popular
f.botton@ufabc.edu.br | Lattes
Francisco de Assis Comaru | Coordenador | Professor UFABC
francisco.comaru@ufabc.edu.br | Lattes
Francisco Marcio Marques dos Santos | Collaborator | Masters Student UMESP
kicosantos@gmail.com | Lattes
Gabriel Alves da Silva Júnior | Researcher | Councelor CONDEPE, Ph.D. Student PGT/UFABC
gabriel.junior@ufabc.edu.br | Lattes
Gabriel Ancilotto Idú | Researcher | Undergrad Student BPT/UFABC
idu.gabriel@aluno.ufabc.edu.br | Lattes
Gabriela Farias Asmus | Researcher | Professora EAU/UFABC
Giulia Ferrazzano | Researcher | UFABC
Hugo Fanton Ribeiro da Silva | Researcher | UFABC, CMP and USP
Hugo Kamiya Tsutsui | Researcher | Master PGT/UFABC
hugo.kamiya@gmail.com | Lattes
Hulda Erna Wehmann | Researcher | Postdoctoral researcher UFABC
hulda@alumni.usp.br | Lattes
Isabella Alho | Researcher | Undergrad Student EAU/UFABC
isabellaalho@gmail.com | Lattes
Jade Cavalhieri | Researcher | UFABC
Jucelia de Oliveira | Collaborator | Ph.D. Student UFABC
Kelseny Medeiros Pinho | Researcher | Masters Student PGT/UFABC
kelseny.medeiros@ufabc.edu.br | Lattes
Leticia Costa de Oliveira Santos | Researcher | Ph.D. Student PGT/UFABC
costa.leticia@ufabc.edu.br | Lattes
Leonardo Varallo | Researcher | Masters Student PGT/UFABC
leonardovarallo@gmail.com | Lattes
Lilian Ribeiro Sanches | Collaborator | Ph.D. Student Psicologia Social/USP
liliansanches@usp.br | Lattes
Louis Marie Ndomo Edoa | Collaborator | Masters Student Comunicação PPGCOM/UMESP
louisnelma40@gmail.com | Lattes
Lucas Lerchs | Researcher | Collaborator UMM-SP
Luciana Bedeschi | Researcher | Tax Advisor Centro Gaspar Garcia de Direitos Humanos
lucianabedeschi@gmail.com | Lattes
Luciana Guimarães Moreira | Researcher | Masters Student PGT/UFABC
guimaraes.luciana@ufabc.edu.br | Lattes
Luciana Nicolau Ferrara | Researcher | Professor CECS/UFABC
luciana.ferrara@ufabc.edu.br | Lattes
Luis Roberto de Paula | Collaborator | Professor BPT and BHC/UFABC
luis.roberto@ufabc.edu.br | Lattes
Luiz Kohara | Researcher | Centro Gaspar Garcia de Direitos Humanos
Marcelo Aversa | Researcher | Ph.D. Student PGT/UFABC
m.aversa@uol.com.br | Lattes
Mariana de Sousa Caires | Collaborator | Masters Student PCHS/UFABC
Mariana Ohara Morita Abreu | Researcher | Undergrad Student BCH BPT/UFABC
mariana.ohara@aluno.ufabc.edu.br | Lattes
Marilene Ribeiro de Souza | Researcher | União dos Movimentos de Moradia de São Paulo (UMM-SP)
Marina Rago Moreira | Researcher | Masters Student PGT/UFABC
marina.moreira@ufabc.edu.br | Lattes
Nathália Conte Mendes Batista | Researcher | Masters Student PGT/UFABC
batista.ncm@gmail.com | Lattes
Nathália de Cássia Costa | Researcher | Undergrad Student BCT and EAU/UFABC
costa.nathalia@aluno.ufabc.edu.br | Lattes
Patricia Cezario Silva | Coordenadora adjunta | Professor UFABC
patricia.cezario@ufabc.edu.br | Lattes
Patricia Maria de Jesus | Researcher | Professor BPT and BHC/UFABC
Rayssa Saidel Cortez | Researcher | Ph.D. Student PGT/UFABC
cortezrayssa@gmail.com | Lattes
Renata Cristina Ferreira | Researcher | Ph.D. Student UNESP
rereambiental@gmail.com | Lattes
Renata Elias Juliotti | Collaborator | Masters Student Comunicação Social UMESP
renata.juliotti@gmail.com | Lattes
Renata Pereira Sarti | Researcher | Undergrad Student PGT/UFABC
renata.sarti@aluno.ufabc.edu.com | Lattes
Ricardo de Sousa Moretti | Researcher | Professor PGT/UFABC
ufabc.moretti@gmail.com | Lattes
Rodrigo Cardoso Bonicenha | Collaborator | Garmic
Rodrigo José Paixão | Researcher | Ph.D. Student PGT/UFABC
Sheila Cristiane Santos Nobre | Researcher | União dos Movimentos de Moradia de São Paulo (UMM-SP)
Silvana Zioni | Collaborator | Professor PGT/UFABC
silvana.zioni@ufabc.edu.br | Lattes
Talita Anzei Gonsales | Researcher | Ph.D. Student PGT/UFABC and Researcher at Observatório de Remoções
Tamires Barboza de Jesus | Researcher | UFABC
barbozaa.tamires@gmail.com | Lattes
Thais Tartalha | Researcher | Professor do BCH/BPT/PGT/UFABC, vice-coordenadora do BCH/UFABC
thais.tartalha@ufabc.edu.br | Lattes
Ulisses Terra | Collaborator | Ph.D. PGT/UFABC
Vanessa Lucena Empinotti | Researcher | Professor BCH/BPT/PGT/UFABC and eco.t Research Group Coordinator
v.empinotti@ufabc.edu.br | Lattes
Veridiana Emília Godoy | Researcher | Masters Student PGT/UFABC and Architect and Urbanist at Coletivo MOLA
veridiana.godoy@ufabc.edu.br | Lattes
Victor Augusto Silva Albano | Researcher | Undergrad Student UFABC
Vitor Hugo Alves dos Santos | Researcher | Undergrad Student BPT/UFABC